
COVID-19 Statement

Publish Date: 1 May 2020

Dear Buloke Communities

We all need to be proud of our efforts individually and as a community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The response to government restrictions and information has been tremendous.

We have heard a lot from our leaders that whilst we are seeing strong results in flattening the curve, this isn’t over and complacency after such a period of self-isolation is real danger to community health. We need to keep this up. We will keep this up. We will protect those vulnerable members of our community.

Council continues to make strong decisions based on Federal and State Government information that looks after the best interests of community health as well as working proactively to help mitigate economic damage. Council has in particularly been working closely with the small business fraternity.

Our Business Support Team has been hard at work with our local businesses helping them understand the suite of government assistance available to them as well as gaining a higher understanding of our business sector.

Two excellent online initiatives have emerged on the back of this work that will strengthen the sector now and into the future.

The first, a Facebook group specifically targeted to bring the sector together and develop information sharing has been launched. Businesses have been individually invited to join the page and the uptake early is very encouraging.

The second initiative is a set of Buy Buloke resources. It is really important tool to support our local businesses now and into the future. How this looks is currently being put together on the back of excellent input from our businesses. This will be exciting and stay tuned for some shire wide developments.

Council continues to deliver vital services during this time as well as adhering to statutory requirements.

The State Government has made a temporary change to the Local Government Act to enable councils to hold virtual meetings rather than having to attend in person. Council is currently working through how our next meeting will be conducted. Regardless of the format, public participation will still be accessible and Council will inform the community soon on its way forward.

The meeting will be held from 7.00 Wednesday 13 May 2020 with the key item on the agenda the adoption of Council’s proposed Annual Budget 2020/21 for public submission.

Keep yourself informed with credible information. Continue to look after yourself and each other during this period.

Cr Carolyn Stewart, Mayor Buloke Shire Council.

Cr Carolyn Stewart crop

End release 
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or