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Publish Date: 11 July 2019
Buloke Shire Council at its July Ordinary Meeting noted the progress against the Year 2 Annual Plan whilst also adopting the Year 3 Annual Plan, formalised submissions to both the Local Government Bill reforms and the Buloke Shire Representation Review as well noting the results from the 2019 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey.
Council has noted extremely strong progress against its Year 2 Annual Plan. The plan, which sets out delivery of strategic objectives from within the Council Plan 2017-2021, saw the completion of all but three of the twenty-seven actions within the document. The three that are not fully completed, being the Birchip streetscape, Rural Land Use Strategy and creating a working partnership with Department of Justice, are currently underway and remain key priorities.
There is also strong progress against the multi-year actions, such as construction of the Charlton Park project and the Donald Community Precinct project and preparation for Local Government Bill.
Council also adopted its Year 3 Annual Plan, outlining the next twelve months of delivery of key actions, programs and initiatives to achieve the Council Plan.
Council has formalised submissions to both the Local Government Bill reforms and the current Representation Review for Buloke Shire.
Council will submit a well-considered submission to the State Government on the proposed Local Government Bill reforms. Council welcomed the opportunity to provide feedback, but maintains some reservations about the application of these reforms in a rural council setting, and questions the appropriateness of the limited timeframe and lack of detail provided by the State Government to consider and make a submission on the reforms.
A submission to the Representation Review focusses on the unique geographical constraints of Buloke Shire and points out that any proposal to further decrease the number of Councillors would immediately increase the workload of Councillors, and the likely outcome is to dissuade prospective Councillors to run for the role.
Council has noted positive results from the 2019 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey. The survey demonstrates an overall improvement for Council from the 2018 survey and continues the upward trend back to the peak result of 2012. Council is also bridging the gap for the state-wide average for Small Rural Councils.
Council will contribute $1,000 to the Rail Freight Alliance and lend its support to advocate that the Murray Basin Rail Project is completed to its original scope and that the Victorian Rail network remains in state control and ownership.
Minutes and documents relating to the July Ordinary Meeting will be made available on Council’s website. The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 14 August 2019.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or