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Buloke Shire Council’s October Meeting was highlighted by the setting of the upcoming pool season and advocacy around maintaining a local Police presence.
The dates for the upcoming pool season have been set with opening day to be Saturday 18 November 2023 for all seven pools across Buloke.
Access to Buloke swimming pools will again be free this season with the closing day scheduled for Monday 18 March 2024.
Council will write to the Minister for Police, The Hon. Anthony Carbines MP calling on the State Government to guarantee that one-person police stations will not close.
A notice of motion was brought in response to Victoria Police Enterprise Agreement negotiations that could amend the agreement by increasing the mobility for deployment and rostering of one-person station employees.
If the amendment was successful, employees from 98 one-person stations in small towns across Victoria including those in Birchip, Culgoa and Wycheproof, may be rostered out to larger regional centres and cities, which would undermine the safety and security of rural communities.
The Financial and Performance Statements 2022/23 have been approved in principle ahead of the statements being submitted to auditors. Council is required under the Local Government Act 2020 to approve, in principle, the Statements prior to receiving certification from the Auditor General.
Council also received regular reports on Building Permits, Planning Applications and reports on Activities of Charlton Park Community Asset Committee and from the Audit and Risk Committee Chair.
Minutes and documents relating to the October Council Meeting will be made available on Council’s website.
Council will hold an Additional Council Meeting on Monday 23 October 2023 to receive the Financial Statement, Performance Statement and Annual Report for 2022/23.
Council will hold its Statutory Meeting and next scheduled monthly Council Meeting in the Wycheproof Supper Room on Wednesday 9 November 2023.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, 1300 520 520 or