
April Meeting Wrap

Publish Date 15 April 2022

At Buloke Shire Council’s April Meeting moves to capture economic and tourism opportunities ensured the adoption of the Interim Economic Development and Tourism Strategy 2022-2023 and grant guidelines for a once-off $60,000 Tourism Business Innovation Pilot Program.

The Interim Economic Development and Tourism Strategy 2022-2023 builds upon the 2018-2021 Strategy and proposes further ambitions to remain responsive to community needs and the advice of key industry and community stakeholders including the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee (EDATAC).

Several risk factors were identified driving the need for an interim strategy.

These include an inability to accurately forecast the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and timing of the results from the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021 Census of Population.

Key actions include:

• reviewing and establishing a restructured EDATAC, which will be focused on delivering specific projects and facilitating the development of business cases to support private business investment in the agribusiness, renewable energy and mining sectors.

• investment materials to assist in facilitating investment attraction, and

• leading local and regional projects to expand tourist attractions and responding to growing visitation to Buloke.

The Tourism Business Innovation Pilot Program (TBIPP) nominates two funding rounds across the FY22 and FY23, inviting applications for funding up to $30,000.

This Pilot program is the final stage of a $790,000 four-part project funded by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, Tourism Infrastructure Funding Program (Flagship Projects) in 2021.

An assessment panel made up of representatives from key tourism stakeholders will ensure applications align with this program’s priorities as well as the new interim strategy.

Council Complaints Handling Policy was also adopted at the meeting, continuing the commitment to managing complaints in a transparent, fair and consistent way, encouraging feedback to help improve Council services and the way business is conducted.

The Audit and Risk Committee Chair report was received by the Chief Executive Officer and tabled in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.

This is an annual assessment of the Committee’s performance against the Audit and Risk Committee Charter.

The Audit and Risk Committee Charter’s purpose and objectives are to ensure good governance and provide guidance on how Council will work with the Committee for the benefit of the organisation and the community.