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Publish Date 31 July, 2023
Buloke Shire Council held a Disability Pride event in Donald on Tuesday 18 July, attended by service providers, carers and people living with disabilities as well as other key organisation representatives invested in supporting our disability networks and community in Buloke.
The group enjoyed morning tea and a lunch together while listening to two guest speakers and engaging in important discussions around what some of the key factors are for people living with and caring for people with a disability in Buloke.
Trevor Rumbold (Coordinator of Project Delivery, Buloke Shire Council) spoke about exciting projects occurring in Donald. One being the accessible playground installation at Memorial Park, the other being the newly announced funding for a Changing Places toilet facility in the same park to complement the playground. Trevor also touched on the work being undertaken by Council’s asset team around priority footpath access and the improvements that will be occurring in different townships to support better accessibility to key amenities.
Rhonda Allan from the Mallee Sports Assembly discussed her 20 years’ experience within the Buloke community offering support for sporting groups and participation in recreation. Rhonda spoke of a variety of programs she has been involved in over the years, discussing at length the all-abilities program she has been running for inclusive recreation programs. These programs have seen participants from far and wide engage together in fun and inclusive activities that promote improved social and wellbeing outcomes and greater community connection. School students, carers, people living with disability, other organisations in various capacities all have previously been involved and always take great value from their involvement with the program.
Buloke’s Disability Support Network has a current focus to help inform several key projects Council is facilitating, including the Changing Places facility, footpath accessibility, the aged care and disability independence support services reform transition as well as a new project that researches and supports the ongoing monitoring and recurrent information upon Council’s Vulnerable Persons Register.
Council invites any community members who wish to be involved in the Disability Support Network, to contact our Community Development team on 1300 520 520.
The next Disability Support Network meeting will occur in September.
End release
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, 1300 520 520 or