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Publish Date: 16 October 2020
A new era for the Birchip community has begun with the commencement of the Safer Cumming Avenue Project.
The $2.2 million project, which will address multiple road safety issues, improve footpath access, attend to drainage hotspots and beautify the area, has been a high priority for both Council and the Birchip community.
Funded by the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund, the State Government’s Building Works package and Fixing Country Roads program and Council, the much-anticipated project will incorporate extensive rejuvenation to the main thoroughfare with an aim of capitalising on tourism potential.
Amongst a raft of improvements, upgrades will include:
The redesign of car parking allocations and angles to provide safer parking and reversing options for all commuters, including new car parking options for mobility-impaired drivers/passengers with direct ramp access from carpark to footpath will be a welcome addition.
Close consultation between Council and the local community has successfully enabled a melding of legal compliance with aspirational vision to bring about this major transformation.
While the six-month project will see unavoidable disruptions, Council and the Birchip Community Forum will keep residents and businesses updated through shopfront postings and information in the local press and on social media.
Council has established a dedicated page on its website, which will also provide regular updates at:
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or