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Publish Date: 15 May 2020
It has been announced that the Wycheproof streetscape has received a funding boost from the State Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund of $450,000 for the Brightening Broadway Project.
The project, worth $600,000, is also funded by Council ($150,000) and will give the iconic Broadway a huge lift in attraction, amenity and accessibility.
One of 35 projects from across rural and regional Victoria to share in the funding, the streetscape project is along held aspiration of the Wycheproof community and will address many priorities in the Wycheproof Community Plan.
Accessibility upgrades to be undertaken in the Brightening Broadway Project include installing eight pedestrian crossings to improve footpath access as well as the replacement of three sections of footpath.
A Civic Park will be developed in the underutilised space between the Council Offices and Senior Citizens Building and other beautification elements include art installations, tree lighting and bin surrounds.
An electric car charging station will be built at Centenary Park to give Calder Highway traffic another reason to stop and spend some time in Wycheproof.
“The funding of the Brightening Broadway Project is a huge boost for the township of Wycheproof. Anyone who knows the street will understand its beauty and its potential. This is another success story of community planning for Buloke. The community have long advocated to address some challenges for access across the deep kerb and channel either side of Broadway and have also been instrumental in identifying elements of the area that can boost visitation and get passing traffic to stay a little longer in the town”, said Mayor Cr Carolyn Stewart.
Long Vehicle parking spaces, signage improvements and new seating are also included in the project.
Work on the project is expected to commence this year.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or