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Publish date: 19 May 2022
There’s something wonderful about being among friends and singing along to familiar tunes and folk band, ME’N ME MATES, did not disappoint seniors who gathered from across Buloke to be part of the Victorian Seniors’ Festival.
Performing at the Charlton Park Community Bank Complex on May 10, the South Australian band’s energy and good nature, drew rave reviews from attendees chatting over lunch, following the performance.
Previous performances had been postponed twice due to COVID-19 disruptions, however the delay only served to build-up excitement and expectations from the crowd of near one hundred.
The atmosphere was convivial as old songs were rediscovered and the chorus broke out with everyone singing along to old songs, recalling typically Australian sayings, and hearing a few new yarns.
The band is renowned for showcasing Australia's unique and valuable history of songs, language and stories and have been touring the countryside. It was also an opportunity for representatives from Mallee Family Care and East Wimmera Health Service to share health information.
Mallee Family Care’s Legal and Financial Team’s Allie Collyer and Donna Johnson spoke about the various support options that are available to seniors in legal support and financial planning.
East Wimmera Health Service’s Deb Watkins and Tessa Botheras spoke about navigating the health care system, including using My Aged Care and the NDIS, while fielding any questions from the group.
Occupational Therapist, Emma Bourke, discussed falls prevention, demonstrating different types of support equipment available for hazards in the home.
The day was an opportunity for seniors to reconnect with others from across Buloke, some catching up with friends not seen since before the pandemic, strengthening the connection between communities.
The 2021 Festival theme was Keep’n On, highlighting the thriving lifestyle of Victorian seniors despite a global pandemic.
The Victorian Seniors Festival ran from June 2021 with celebrations happening across the state, both live and online.The event was funded by the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and Public Libraries Victoria.