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Publish Date: 17 May 2019
Buloke Shire Council is teaming up with Small Business Victoria and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) to design a more streamlined and simplified permit approval process.
Council has been hearing from the community that the process for obtaining permits can at times be frustrating, confusing and lengthy. In line with the recently adopted Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, Council is seeking to make these processes less onerous through the implementation of the Better Approvals Project.
The Better Approvals Project is a collaborative effort between Local Government and DJPR to make doing business easier.
Council has put together a project team drawing on staff with experience in economic development, planning, health, building, customer engagement and local laws to deliver a simplified and more user friendly application process.
The team will design a new permit approvals process using the ‘human-centred’ design approach, which aims to develop solutions to problems by involving the customer and understanding their journey and frustrations through the permit approvals process.
Beginning in June, the project team will get to work to bring the new process together and will use a targeted consultation with businesses to inform this exciting innovation.
“The project will deliver more simplified information for customers to understand what is required of them when applying for permits and a single point of contact at Council to provide regular updates on the status of their permit application. Initially the project will target the process for businesses, with the view of extending to all permit applicant types across the Shire”, said Mayor Cr Carolyn Stewart.
The Better Approvals Project is expected to be launched to the community in September of this year.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or