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Publish Date: 13 August 2021
Buloke Shire Council reverted to a virtual setting to deliver its August Meeting which was highlighted by the setting of this summer’s swimming pool season and a free green waste period, a report celebrating the successful Working for Victoria Program and key items to improve amenity in Birchip and at caravan parks.
Council’s successful involvement in the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria Program has been noted. It was announced in May 2020 that Council would participate in the program which saw 53 staff employed including 32 Buloke Shire residents in support of the region during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Among the many highlights completed during the program were the launch of a Buy Buloke website, implementation of a Community Reference Group for information sharing at the onset of the pandemic, painting of the Golden Grains Museum in Charlton, reusable face mask drive, COVID Safe planning support, dedicated outdoor working crews as well as business and community support programs. The program concluded on 30 June 2021.
This summer’s swimming pool season will kick off on Friday 12 November 2021 at all seven of Buloke Shire’s pools. The Cold Weather Policy will again apply across the season, seeing pools closed on days of low temperature and ‘banked’ to extend the season should warmer weather continue beyond the scheduled close of Sunday 20 March 2022.
It has been resolved that Council will again open its landfills and transfer station to the public for free disposal of green waste throughout the month of October to help with the preparation of the upcoming fire season.
A submission to the State Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund has been made for $2.4 million to help fund the Buloke Tourism Cabin Development.
The development includes the construction of 14 cabins at Wooroonook Lake, Watchem Lake, Tchum Lake, Green Lake, Charlton Travellers Rest, Wycheproof Caravan Park and Sea Lake Caravan Park.
The Cumming Avenue Landscaping contract has been awarded to Scott Smith Landscaping. The works include installation of turf, trees and irrigation as well as assisting with the installation of rubbish bins.
Minutes and documents relating to the August Council Meeting will be made available on Council’s website. The next Buloke Shire Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 September 2021.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or