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Construction of the Camp Street Temporary Levee

Construction of the Camp Street Levee 

Buloke Shire Council will be undertaking Temporary Levee, concreting and drainage works in Camp Street Donald.

As part of these works, Camp Street will be closed to through traffic during construction of the concrete footings for the Temporary Levee and associated drainage works.

This work will interrupt access in the Camp Street Bridge area and through traffic through Camp Street for a period while these works are underway.

Traffic Management and Detours will be in place while works are underway. Residents will still be able to access their property’s while these works are underway. There will be not through traffic over the Camp Street Bridge area while works are underway.

The work is will now commence on Thursday 9 May 2019 and should take approximately 2 weeks to complete. (Contractor availability and weather permitting).

Council apologises for any inconvenience, but closure is the safest solution in order to provide these Levee improvements.

Please call Council’s Infrastructure Planning Department for further information on 1300 520 520.

Camp Street Work