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Community Grants

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The Buloke Shire Council's 2024/25 Community Grants Program is now OPEN.


Each year, Council allocates $20,000 to the Community Grants Program and Sponsorship and $50,000 to the Community Sustainability Grants Program.


Community Grants support the strengthening of the capacity and capability of local organisations, assist with the organisation and management of events, or help with the purchase of small capital items.


Sustainability Grants assist projects that contribute to reducing your community’s carbon footprint, improve the environment or effectively conserve resource usage.


Prior to submitting an application, all applicants are required to read over the Community Grants Guidelines.


Note: Due to assessment and approval timelines, please allow two (2) months from application to receiving the funds being applied for. 

If you have a project, but you are unsure what grant type will be best suited for it, please email


Community Grants

Organisational Support Grant

Assistance with strengthening the capacity and capability of local organisations

Up to $1,000                          

You must match Council’s funding dollar for dollar either by cash or in-kind contributions. These may be in the form of cash, assistance from other funding agencies, or “in kind” such as voluntary labour or materials.

Project Support Grant 

Assistance with the organisation and management of a project

 Up to $2,000

You must match Council’s funding dollar for dollar either by cash or in-kind contributions. These may be in the form of cash, assistance from other funding agencies, or “in kind” such as voluntary labour or materials. 

Small Capital Equipment Grant   

Assistance with the purchase of small capital items

Up to $1,000

Applicants must make a 50% financial cash contribution towards the project. Applicants can only make one successful application in a twelve-month period.

Sustainability Grants

(23/24 Financial Year)

Sustainability Grant

Up to $10,000

Council will fund projects on a $2:1 ratio. Your contribution may consist of cash, assistance from other funding agencies, or up to 50% “in kind” such as voluntary labour or materials. 

Quick Action Sustainability Grant

Up to $2,000

Council will fund sustainability projects without a co-contribution from the applicant. Applicants can only make one successful application for this funding. 


Steps to Apply for a Grant:

  1. Read through the Community Grants Guidelines and determine your eligibility and what grant is best suited for your project.

  2. If you have any questions about the 2024/2025 Community Grants Program, please email

  3. Download the relevant application form, below, and complete it.

  4. Submit the application form.

  5. You will receive confirmation your grant application has been received and an indication of which Council Meeting it will be presented at. The grant will then be assessed by an assessment panel, and if there are any questions regarding the application, a Council Officer will contact you.

  6. Once the grant has been assessed, it will be endorsed by the Executive Management Team and presented to Council for approval.

  7. Once the grant has been assessed, it will be presented and considered for approval for Council at a Council Meeting, and you will be notified within five (5) working days of the outcome of your application. 

  8. All successful applications MUST complete an acquittal form of their projects within 7 days of project completion. No grant applications will be considered from applicants with outstanding grant acquittals. 



Click Here for Community Grant Application Form 

Click Here for Sustainability Grant Application Form

Click Here for Acquittal Form


Buloke Shire’s Community Development Officer is available to assist community groups and or individuals with completing application forms or providing further information by calling 1300 520 520.


Updated: September 2024


Charlton park cropped


  • Community Grants Guidelines It is important that you read and understand the Community Grants Guidelines when applying for grants. Click to download the Community Grant Guidelines
  • Council Acknowledgement All successful grant applicants are required to acknowledge Councils financial contribution to their project. Click here for information on how to do this
  • Past Grant Recipients Information regarding Buloke Shire Councils Past Grant Recipients
  • Community Support Policy This purpose of this policy is to provide an overarching framework to determine the nature and level of support provided to community groups, organisations and committees.
  • External Grant Opportunities External Grant Providers