The benefits of volunteering in the Buloke Shire
Watch the video.
How Do We Retain Volunteers?
Watch the video.
Events for Volunteers & Community Groups
Volunteering is the life line of any community and especially so in rural areas such as ours. Without volunteers, the vast majority of local activities would not take place and many services that we take for granted would be at risk.
A series of fact sheets have been prepared (see below) to assist existing and future volunteers to take their community group forward into the 21st Century.
While all these will be a useful reference, the basic success factors of a community group are hardly rocket science.
Be clear on your club’s purpose, engage young people in the decision making, be creative, be safe, and most of all, have fun!
Useful links:
Community Leadership Loddon Murray
Our Community (resources)
Justice Connect
Bendigo Volunteers
Volunteering Western Victoria
Seminar Workbooks: