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Privacy Statement


This site endorses and supports fair information privacy handling practices. The privacy practices of this site are governed by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, which establishes Information Privacy Principles to which this site is subject and provides for complaints and penalties for interfering with personal privacy through the Victorian Information Commissioner.

Any complaints should be made to Council in the first instance and to the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner in the second instance. 

This site does not collect, use or disclose personal information except that which you provide freely through online forms. Any information provided by you will only be used in accordance with your consent and for the purpose for which you provided the information except in exceptional circumstances where authorised by law.

Visitor logs may be used on this site for statistical purposes only and include your server’s address, top-level domain name, date and time of visit, pages downloaded and browser used. No attempt is made to identify users or their browsing activity. This information is only used to update and improve this site.

We respect your privacy. We will not sell or give away your personal information, unless required by law. Occasionally, we may use your details for our own research purposes or to let you know about other council information. If you want to see your personal data or modify your details, or if you do not wish to receive information from us in the future, please contact 1300 520 520.