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Your Council


The Buloke Shire Council is a public statutory body incorporated under The Local Government Act 2020(Victoria). The Act sets out the primary purposes and objectives of the Council and defines its functions and powers.

The Council consists of a Mayor, Deputy Mayor and five Councillors.

The current Buloke Shire Council was elected in November 2020 and will retire in October 2024. The Council's primary objectives are:

  • to act as a representative government and consider community needs when making decisions;
  • to establish strategic objectives for municipal services and monitor their achievement;
  • to ensure the responsible and accountable management of the organisation’s resources;
  • to advocate for local community interests to other communities and governments;
  • to provide fair and equitable representation of constituents;
  • to be a responsible partner in government, taking the needs of other communities into account;
  • to foster community cohesion and encourage participation in civic life;
  • to manage community assets; and
  • to enforce by-laws.

Wycheproof Customer Service Centre

Council's Office is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm at 367 Broadway, Wycheproof.

Our postal address is Buloke Shire Council, PO Box 1, Wycheproof, VIC 3527.

All services available over the counter can be accessed by calling 1300 520 520.

  • Buloke Shire Council Elections 2024 The next Victorian local council elections will be held by postal ballot in October 2024.
  • Our Vision, Our Values Council is committed to overseeing the continued growth of the Shire and ensuring high quality of life for residents and visitors.
  • Councillors Councillors play a very important policy-making role, requiring the identification of community needs and setting objectives to meet those needs.
  • Message From Municipal Monitor Mr Peter Harriott will continue to work with Council through to 31 December 2024 to advise and support Council and ensure stability in the lead up to and following the October 2024 elections.
  • Delegates List View the full list of Council Delegates involved in Committees and other organisations.
  • Organisational Structure The organisational structure of Buloke Shire Council ensures that Council decisions are implemented and that the Shire runs smoothly.
  • Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey Each year Council undertakes a Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey. View the results of the 2023 survey.
  • Past Councillors A history of elected representatives of Buloke Shire Council including mayoral periods.