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As Council continues to work alongside other stakeholder groups and the community in the implementation of the Mount Wycheproof Emu Management Plan, a working group is being developed to move the plan forward in a truly harmonious way.
A recent on country meeting involving representation from Council, Traditional Owners, State Government, Friends of Mount Wycheproof, Landcare and community members has resolved to put together a group representative of all interested parties to ensure the welfare of the emu population is met and appropriately funded.
If you have an interest in being involved in this dynamic working group please contact Director Community Development, Travis Fitzgibbon by email to or by mail to Buloke Shire Council, PO Box 1, Wycheproof Vic 3527.
Expressions of Interest in joining the Mount Wycheproof Emu Management Working Group close 5:00pm 24 April 2023.
View the media release.