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Zero Tolerance - A Non-Negotiable
Publish date: 10 August, 2023
Aggressive behaviour towards Buloke Shire staff has reached unprecedented levels and Council is deeply concerned.
As a result, it has initiated a zero-tolerance campaign to try to combat the harassment.
Acting CEO Hannah Yu says several recent incidents have highlighted the lack of respect shown towards Council officers.
“While the majority of our community behaves appropriately, we are seeing a significant increase in the number of incidents of occupational violence occurring towards our staff.
“They are regularly being cornered in the street and in supermarkets, and verbally abused – shouted at and sworn at,” Ms Yu said.
“Some are being targeted outside their homes at night. This unconscionable behaviour is happening during the week and on weekends.
“Our staff should not have to put up with intimidation. It is, quite simply, not on.
“They go out into the community and often cop an earful simply for doing their job.
“They do their best to carry out their responsibilities with care and consideration, and are entitled to be treated respectfully.”
“As frustrated as ratepayers and residents may get, they need to realise that council is charged with adhering to the law.
“That means where permits or further information is required, our staff have a legal obligation to undertake that work.”
Buloke, like many councils across the state, is transitioning to a federal aged care model, which will result in improvements to the level of service.
“The Aged Care transition is one of the areas that staff are being aggressively approached about.
“Adjusting to the new model obviously takes time, but Council is only after the best outcome for all affected.”
Council’s zero tolerance drive involves a social and mainstream media campaign, with the slogan “Council Does Care - Listen, Talk, Respect.”
End release