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Buloke Shire Council will stage a celebration to commemorate the significant contribution made by staff and volunteers through nearly 40 years of Aged and Disability Service provision to the Buloke area, dating back to pre-amalgamation.
A special day of celebration is planned for Thursday 30 November 2023 at Charlton Park as Council transitions from the service by the end of the year. Members of the Buloke community, current and past clients, staff, volunteers, and contractors are invited to join Council for an afternoon tea, formalities and introductions to the newly appointed service providers to the Buloke area.
Beginning at 1.30pm on the day, and in addition to the afternoon tea, the event will include a formal recognition of the service, guest speaker and light entertainment.
Guest Speaker on the day will be Ben Harkin whose can-do spirit has taken him all over the world. Ben was born with congenital bilateral malformation of the upper limbs and it’s the stories of his adventures that has turned him into a renowned motivational speaker.
RSVPs would be greatly appreciated by Friday 17 November 2023 and can be made by calling our Community Services Team on 1300 520 520 or by email to
Mayor Cr Alan Getley is looking forward to the day. “This will be an event that will truly reflect the enormous input so many people have made in shaping the health and wellbeing of our community. It is important we come together to mark the occasion and recognise the great care and service that has been delivered whilst turning our eye to the future and embracing new service providers who will carry on the great work”, he said.
Council has been in direct contact throughout its transition process but has a handful of clients that it has not been able to contact directly. If you or a family member receives a service and has not spoken to a Council representative, we invite you to call our Community Services Team on 1300 520 520 to make arrangements.
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, 1300 520 520 or