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Publish Date: 11 September 2020
In continuation of its support of the community during the ongoing health crisis, Buloke Shire Council adopted a revision of the COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy at its September Ordinary Meeting.
The Policy was also extended for a further six-month period as Council continues to respond to, and offer support to those experiencing financial pressure created by the pandemic’s impact.
With warmer weather approaching, the up-coming Swimming Pool Season was endorsed, commencing on Saturday 14 November 2020 and operating until Sunday 14 March 2021.
Opening hours and times for all seven pools will remain unchanged, with cold weather days being “banked” for use at the end of the season where temperatures exceed 30 degrees. With the coronavirus impact unknown at this stage, amendments to the season may occur, with Council working closely with the State Government to ensure user safety and best hygiene practises.
October will again see Council providing free green waste disposal at all landfill and transfer stations. Residents are encouraged to use this opportunity to prepare their properties in readiness for the coming fire season before restrictions commence. The green waste will be mulched for used in Council’s parks and gardens, as well as providing cover at landfill sites.
Council will submit a funding application for $350,000 under the AgriLinks Upgrade Program for the rehabilitation of a section of the Nullawil –Birchip Road, Nullawil. Impacted by heavy vehicle use during harvest, the shovel-ready project complies with the funding criteria and has been identified as requiring significant attention.
The appointment of Ms. Margaret Abbey PSM as Chair of Council’s Audit and Risk Committee was also endorsed at the meeting. Consideration will be given to extending the appointment in line with the Charter during 2021.
Council has authorised the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate a lease with the Lake Tyrrell Salt Company following its expression of interest in the management and operation of the Sea Lake Visitor’s Hub.
Lake Tyrrell Salt Company intends to operate the Visitor Hub seven days a week with a mixture of employed staff and volunteers being involved in the operation.
Charlton Early Years Centre is a step closer with BRB Modular Pty Ltd being awarded the building contract. Engagement with representatives from the relevant community groups will continue to take place as the timelines for the project are discussed and as construction commences. The project has been funded by the Department of Education’s Children’s Facilities Capital Program.
Council approved a variation to the contract for the Cumming Avenue Streetscape project after additional funding was made available through the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund and the State Government’s Building Works Stimulus Package. The additional works will include attention to drainage, along with curb, channel and footpath upgrades with the project value now just under $2 million.
The minutes and documents related to this meeting will be made available on Council’s website.
The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 14 October 2020.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or