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Publish Date: 4 July 2019
In 2017, a detailed design was completed for flood mitigation levees to protect Charlton from flooding, however without the additional work proposed by this project, the community, Council and the state government are not yet equipped to make an informed decision whether to proceed with construction.
Through the detailed design stage it was identified that there may be opportunities to reduce the total cost of the levee bank construction if material can be sourced from the disused Charlton reservoir.
Council has obtained funding to undertake an investigation into this opportunity and have appointed geotechnical professionals Cardno to complete a range of specialist services.
Cardno have begun undertaking a geotechnical assessment to determine the suitability of material at the disused Charlton Reservoir.
The fieldwork is being conducted by an experienced geotechnical engineer (Angelina Zhang, Cardno) who will inspect the site, record site observations, set out the test pits, supervise the subcontractors, log the ground encountered and collect the samples and conduct the on-site testing.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or