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Publish date: 1 December 2023
The BIG Summer Read is coming for children in Buloke from 1 December 2023!
Council in collaboration with Public Libraries Victoria (PLV), aims to raise awareness and ensure all children in Buloke have access to the resources they need to maintain literacy skills over the summer school holidays.
The BIG Summer Read aims to encourage children to read for pleasure and addresses the issue of the 'summer slide' which is the decline in literacy over the long summer break if children are not exposed to books or reading.
The BIG Summer Read is open to anyone below 18 years of age so just head to the PLV Beanstack site at and download the Beanstack app. Children over the age of 13 can register for an individual account and parents can register their children and help manage their accounts. Prizes are available for all children who read 10 books or more and log their reading through the Beanstack site. Prizes include: Ages 0-4 - board books Ages 5-8 - picture books Ages 8-12 - Junior fiction/graphic novels Ages 12-18 - YA fiction/graphic novels Register online today and make sure you select Buloke Library as your Public Library.
We look forward to all children in Buloke reaching their full potential and making it a summer of reading, learning, and fun!