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Buloke Welcomes 10 New Australian Citizens

Buloke Welcomes 10 New Australian Citizens 

Publish date: 9pm Wednesday 25 January, 2023

Buloke welcomed 10 new citizens at the Australia Day Eve Citizenship Ceremony held at Watchem Hall on Wednesday night.

The event commenced with a community dinner, providing the opportunity to celebrate the occasion with their families and friends, and socialise with others from across the shire, who were taking part in the Australia Day Eve proceedings that followed.

During the Citizenship Ceremony, Buloke Shire Council Mayor Cr Alan Getley said it was wonderful to welcome the new citizens to the community and also their extended families and friends, acknowledging one had brought with them an entourage of more than 45 family and friends – filling the hall.

“We are delighted that they have chosen to make their permanent homes in our shire, which is a fantastic place to live. Every new citizen has something special to share and, as a result, our communities and workplaces become stronger because of the culture, knowledge, skills, and stories they bring to our region”.

Australia Day Citizens 2023