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Update: Cleaning up and Making Trees Safe After the Storm Event in Charlton 13 February 2024

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Update: Cleaning up and Making Trees Safe After the Storm Event in Charlton 13 February 2024

Publish date: 20 February 2024

The storm event on Tuesday 13 February left a trail of devastation and damage throughout Charlton township. 

In the aftermath, Council crews and contractors have been actively clearing debris, fallen trees and tree parts. 

Work has now progressed to a point where much of the fallen timber has been removed, meaning expert arborists have been busy assessing and logging the location of dangerous trees and branches left hanging during the storm.

Council crews and contractors have been addressing some of the damaged trees and removing hanging branches throughout today, with a focus on safety.

As a result of those essential assessments, arborists have identified several trees throughout the town that require urgent removal to keep residents and passing traffic safe. Work on High Street (Calder Highway) will begin tomorrow morning, 21 February.