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Survey Says, Satisfaction Growing

Survey Says, Satisfaction Growing

Publish Date: 16 June 2020

Buloke Shire Council has noted a further rise in satisfaction from the results in the 2020 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey for a majority of measures at its June Ordinary Meeting.

The report, which is coordinated on behalf of all Victorian Councils by the Department Environment of Land, Water and Planning, demonstrates an overall three-point rise on the 2019 result, continuing a multi-year trend of improvement from 2016 and is Council’s best overall result since 2012.

The overall results are on par with the state average and two points higher than Council’s Small Rural cohort.

Highlights of the report include Overall Council Direction scoring at a record high measuring two points higher than the state average and three points higher than the Small Rural cohort.

Other areas of note were Recreational Facilities and Elderly Support Services which were scored as the best performing areas whilst maintenance of unsealed roads and the condition of sealed roads are deemed Council’s lowest performing areas.

Excluding service areas relating to roads, Council performs in line with, or significantly higher than, the Small Rural group and State-wide averages on the service areas evaluated.

Mayor, Cr Carolyn Stewart was understandably pleased with the result flagging how Council will incorporate the findings to inform future decisions.

“The results for the 2020 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey are pleasing for Council and underline the importance and success of Council’s strategic planning. This reporting has demonstrated a rise in satisfaction year on year throughout the life of the current Council Plan.

“A lot of credit needs to go to our hard working staff, who continue to do so much with what we have. Council is grateful for the output of each member of the team and they should feel both acknowledged and inspired by these results.

“Whilst being encouraged about what we are perceived to do well, it is just as important to understand what are seen as short comings. Council will continue to focus our attention on investing in our assets, particularly roads, over the life of our Long Term Financial Plan”.

View the comprehensive results document for the 2020 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey. 

End release 
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or