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Buloke Supports 16 Days of Activism

Buloke Supports 16 Days of Activism 

Publish Date: 23 November 2020

Buloke Shire Council is proud to support Respect Victoria to deliver its Respect Women: ‘Call It Out’ campaign. The campaign is part of the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which runs from 25 November to 10 December 2020.

The theme of this year’s campaign is ‘Respect Is…’ and messages of equality and respect will be highlighted across the state.


CEO Anthony Judd said this is a time to actively promote gender equality and take a stand to end men’s violence against women.

“We are running a number of programs and initiatives to support the campaign highlighted by the Buloke United Walk again this year.” he said.

Council received $2,500 from Respect Victoria to run initiatives and increase the community's understanding of respect during the 16 days and beyond.

Statistics show that one in four women have experienced violence by an intimate partner since the age of fifteen (compared to one in thirteen men).

Council has partnered with Buloke Wellbeing and Equity Network, local Neighbourhood Houses, Southern Mallee Primary Care Partnership, Women’s Health Loddon Mallee and Women with Disabilities Victoria as to expand the reach of the campaign in the community.

“We are working closely with our networks such as women’s health services, family violence networks, libraries and local businesses to spread this important message and prevent family violence,” said Mr Judd.

All 79 Victorian councils as well as 18 specialist non-government organisations are involved in the state-wide Respect Women: ‘Call It Out’ campaign. The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) and Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) are also partnering with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) to provide their expertise.

For more information, visit Council’s website and the Respect Victoria website.

If you are experiencing or at risk of experiencing violence, help is available.

You can access help 24/7 by calling Safe Steps on 1800 015 188 or by visiting

If you are worried your behaviour might be harming your partner or family members, call the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491 to speak to a specialist counsellor.

End release 
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or