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Publish Date: 22 November 2019
Buloke Shire Council’s November Ordinary Meeting was highlighted by a report on progress against the Local Government Women’s Charter, the appointment of new Audit Committee Members and the adoption of an Audit Committee Charter.
Strong progress against the Local Government Women’s Charter has been noted. Council recognises that we have great female champions within Council and the community and we will continue to give a voice to women to ensure the principles of the Women’s Charter are advanced.
Council has continued to demonstrate its support for women both in the workforce and returning to the workforce after taking family leave. Flexible working arrangements, embedded within Council’s policies, has ensured a greater diversity within the workforce, resulting in an increase in female staff being employed to undertake outdoor work. Council has also taken a leadership role in ensuring community groups that support the needs of women are advocated for and have active representation in meetings.
Council will write to the Minister for Fishing and Boating, Hon. Jaala Pulford and Better Boating Victoria, requesting that ongoing funding is provided to volunteer lake committees that have been adversely impacted by the State Government free boat launching policy.
These committees rely on the payment of these fees to fund vital operations and to pay for water to fill the lakes.
Advertising for a new member to join Council’s Economic Development and Tourism Committee will begin after a resignation was received in September. Council will seek an applicant who represents either an industrial business or agricultural sector background.
Council will guarantor a loan for the Charlton Park 2020 committee of up to $150,000 for landscaping works at the complex. It has also been concluded that Council will develop a policy to guide decisions around future requests from community groups to act as a guarantor for a loan.
An extension of Council’s waste and recycling collections contract via a one-year option with Four Seasons Waste has been exercised. Council is currently involved in a joint procurement process with Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group to renew its contract.
New Independent Audit Committee Member Dean Sleigh has been appointed and will commence immediately, in addition, Bernard Young has been appointed and will commence in 2020. Council has also adopted its Audit Committee Charter, which was reviewed recently with feedback being provided for the Audit Committee Meeting held in September.
Minutes and documents relating to the November Ordinary Meeting will be made available on Council’s website. The final Ordinary Meeting of Council for 2019 will be held on Wednesday 11 December.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or