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Publish Date: 13 February 2020
Buloke Shire Council’s February Ordinary Meeting was highlighted by the finalisation of funding applications to the Drought Communities Programme Extension, an update against the Annual Plan and the adoption of two important policies.
Council has finalised its applications to the Drought Communities Programme Extension with the remaining $200,000 of the funding allocated.
In addition to the decisions made in December 2019 to allocate funding to the Wycheproof Early Years centre ($500,000) and the Birchip Community Leisure Centre ($300,000), Council will apply for $150,000 for a program to deliver town brochures and welcome packs, footpath/crossover (accessibility) improvement program as well as a halls improvement program. The remaining $50,000 will be used to manage each of the Drought Communities Programme Extension projects.
The Federal Government made the declaration that Buloke Shire Council is eligible to apply for funding under the program in November last year. The fund is designed to support local infrastructure and other projects for communities and businesses that have been impacted by drought.
Council has been informed throughout this decision making process by the Community Plans of each of the Buloke townships as well as the Buloke Integrated Community Plan.
Solid progress against Council’s Year Three Annual Plan 2019/20 was noted at the meeting. Projects completed since the last update in October 2019 include Charlton Park, a range of silo and street art projects, six new amenity blocks and the staging of a climate change event in conjunction with the Birchip Cropping Group.
Council has adopted both the Fraud and Corruption Reporting Policy and the Naming of Roads, Features and Localities Policy.
The Fraud and Corruption Reporting Policy underpins Council’s firm commitment to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and accountability as well as good governance practise. The policy clearly documents committed protection of Council property, assets and public money against internal and external fraud and corruption.
The Naming of Roads, Features and Localities Policy standardises Council’s procedures when making a decision on naming any road, feature or locality. This new policy has been developed to assist with the determination and approval of names, encapsulate legislative requirements and incorporate community consultation into the assessment of naming proposals.
New Building Regulations introduced by the State Government which require owners of swimming pools and outdoor spas to register them with Council have been noted. Council has set a range of fees payable in relation to the regulations for registrations of pools and spas. These new pool and spa laws have been mandated by the State Government and Councils are forced to implement and enforce them.
Council has awarded the upgrade of the Charlton-Swan Hill Road and Praters Road intersection at Glenloth to Bitumill Road Maintenance Pty Ltd. Works to the intersection include widening and safety improvements.
Minutes and documents relating to the December Ordinary Meeting will be made available on Council’s website.
The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held from 7.00pm on Wednesday 11 March 2020.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or