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Publish Date: 30 August 2021
The Mayors of Buloke Shire and the Borough of Queenscliffe have launched a challenge to see which council area can be the first in the state to have 80% of their residents fully vaccinated.
The two rural Councils are currently first and second in Victoria for the highest percentage of residents fully vaccinated against coronavirus, with 64% percent of Borough residents and 48.4% of Buloke residents having already received two doses. The two mayors, having seen the data on Monday morning, decided to issue a challenge in the race to be the first council in Victoria to reach the national target.
“Rural Victorians are leading the way in getting vaccinated, but the race is on to see which community reaches 80% first,” said Cr Ross Ebbels, Mayor of the Borough of Queenscliffe. “While the Borough has opened up an early lead, we can’t afford to be complacent. If you live in Queenscliff or Point Lonsdale and haven’t been vaccinated yet, book in your first or second dose today so we can take first place!”
Buloke Mayor Cr Daryl Warren said “Buloke residents have answered every call during the pandemic, and with no recorded cases of the virus to date, now residents are showing the way when it comes to vaccination.”
Mayor Cr Daryl Warren gets the jab in July.
The challenge also includes real stakes, with the losing Mayor agreeing to host the winning Mayor for dinner and a night’s accommodation in their community when it’s safe to do so. Both council areas have some of Victoria’s most spectacular tourist destinations, including Lake Tyrrell, Silo Art destinations, Point Lonsdale’s beaches and the historic Queenscliff township.
“Whoever wins, both of our communities have some incredible places and people to visit,” said Cr Ebbels. “Getting vaccinated doesn’t just protect you from serious illness or death, it’ll help us get back to making the most of living in regional Victoria, which is the best prize anyone could ask for.”
“It is so vital that there are smaller communities leading the way in getting vaccinated. We all look forward to getting back doing things like travel throughout regional Victoria when we can,” said Cr Warren.
Residents of each shire can book their vaccine online by visiting or calling the Coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.
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