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Publish Date: 21 May 2020
Buloke Shire Council’s lists of intergenerational projects continues to grow with the announcement of $4.3 million of funding as part of the State Government’s recently announced $2.7 billion Building Works package to fund the development of the streetscapes in each of its five major towns and establish a Visitor Centre at Sea Lake to service the burgeoning tourism trade in the area, in particular Lake Tyrrell.
Birchip, Charlton, Donald, Sea Lake and Wycheproof will all benefit, and the realisation of multiple aspirational projects is now within touching distance.
The announcement comes on the back of last week’s news of $450,000 in State Government funding for the Brightening Broadway Project in Wycheproof.
Mayor, Cr Carolyn Stewart is thrilled with the news and understands the importance of these projects to each town.
“This is massive news for everyone in Buloke. Streetscape works have long been a priority for Council and each town and a tourism hub in the north of the Shire is great news for locals and visitors. Council and community have worked towards these projects for such a long time.
“The projects are key initiatives of the Council Plan, each of the township’s community plans as well as the Buloke Integrated Community Plan. As recently as last week Council adopted an Advocacy Strategy that included sourcing funding for these projects.
“It is genuinely exciting to know we can get to work to improve the streetscapes across Buloke and drive town pride and underpin economic development and tourism”.
Council staff will shortly commence scoping these projects in close consultation with relevant town forums. The Birchip Safer Cumming Avenue Project is set to commence in the next two months.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or