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Publish Date: 9 December 2021
Buloke Shire Council’s December Meeting was highlighted by the presentation of the 2020/2021 Annual Report and the adoption of Council’s Domestic Animal Management Plan, two key policies and the waiving of swimming pool hire fees for this season.
The Annual Report 2020-2021 was presented by Mayor Daryl Warren highlighting Council’s advocacy and partnerships to creatively adapt new and modified approaches and technologies to overcome the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and address the needs of Buloke.
Council adopted the revised Flag Flying Policy, acknowledging the importance of these symbols in maintaining pride and spirit, and displaying them in respectful and dignified manner at Council’s locations.
An updated Procurement Policy was also adopted, promoting open and fair competition and value for money for the purchase of goods, services and carrying out of works by the Council. The Policy sets out a contract value of $250,000 (exc. GST) above which Council must invite a tender and additional best practice measures in the acquisition of all goods: accountability, probity and transparency, risk management, and sustainable and social procurement objectives.
As Council continues to work through the recruitment process for a permanent CEO it has resolved to appoint Hannah Yu as Interim Chief Executive Officer from 13 December 2021, until a new Chief Executive Officer has permanently commenced duties.
Fees for the provision of lifeguards will be waived for the remainder of the Buloke Shire Swimming Pool season. Council had originally adopted the fees and charges as part of its Annual Budget 2021-2022. The waiving of these fees will be offset in the budget by the cessation of the banking of cold weather days that have in recent years been added to the end of the season.
The Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP) has been adopted. Council is required to have a four-year DAMP under the Domestic Animal Act 1994, which guides Council’s activities in the management of domestic pets and provides for a method for evaluating whether the animal control services are adequate as well as encouraging responsible pet ownership in the community.
Council endorsed and supported the proposed joint application from Buloke Shire Council, Ararat Rural City Council and Yarriambiack Shire Council to Round 2 of the Rural Councils Transformation Program RCTP). The RCTP is designed to help rural councils deliver services through funding the implementation of regional service delivery and shared services. Minutes and documents relating to the December Council Meeting will be made available on Council’s website.
The next Buloke Shire Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 February 2022.