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NBN Connection Boost for Sea Lake

NBN Connection Boost for Sea Lake

Publish Date 19 May 2022

The final piece of the funding puzzle for a significant Sea Lake project is now in place after an announcement from the Federal Government committing $3.55 million from the Regional Connectivity Program to upgrade the National Broadband Network (NBN) connection in the town to fibre to the premises (FTTP) technology.

Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster visited Sea Lake this week to share the exciting news with locals, which will have huge impact on the town’s economic and educational endeavors as well as improving the simple things in everyday life.
The Federal Government commitment, alongside State Government and NBN Co. investment, guarantees the project will go ahead in a town thought to be one of the largest in Victoria that only enjoyed a Sky Muster Satellite connection to NBN.
“This is an exceptional result for Sea Lake”, said Mayor Cr Daryl Warren.
“This has been a priority of premium importance to the community. This success comes on the back of strong community planning by the Sea Lake community and Council. The project has flowed through our Council Plan and Advocacy Strategy and is a testament to the hard work of the community and Council.
“Council staff have worked hand-in-hand with NBN Co. and built a compelling application, which was underpinned by case study stories from how residents had been so cripplingly disadvantaged by a satellite connection. This will be another step in the continued growth of the Sea Lake area”.
Dr Webster welcomed the announcement for Sea Lake.
“I have fought for better connectivity for Sea Lake specifically because of the strong local voices of people who reside there. The Mallee electorate is vast and areas of poor connectivity have frustrated many. Improvements to connectivity has therefore been a key focus of mine throughout my first three years as the Federal Member. Today’s announcement will be very welcome to individuals and businesses in this region,” Dr Webster said.

NBN Boost for Sea Lake

Pictured: L-R Robert Graham, Debbie McEwan, Alison McEwan, Dr Anne Webster, Buloke Shire Council representatives; Director Community Development, Travis Fitzgibbon, Mayor Cr Daryl Warren and CEO Wayne O’Toole.