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Publish Date: 14 October 2022
Buloke Shire Council’s October Meeting was highlighted by the adoption of a new Advocacy Strategy and the awarding of the next round the Tourism Business Innovation Grants.
Council has adopted its Advocacy Strategy 2022-23. The strategy outlines the key advocacy projects Council is currently committed to focusing on and seeking partnerships to implement, following the same themes identified by Buloke residents in the development of the Buloke Long-Term Community Vision.
Previous iterations of this strategy have been incredibly successful, the recent commitment the large scale NBN build for Sea Lake an example of the power of the document in putting forward community aspirations.
The Blue Duck Distillery in Donald is the next local initiative to enjoy the support of Council’s Tourism Business Innovation Grants Program.
The $15,000 grant will see the Blue Duck Distillery undertake a marketing campaign with a view to attracting visitation from outside the Shire.
The program aims to support local businesses to maximise benefits from increased tourism and $15,000 remaining in the fund will be used to undertake a third round of the grant program in 2023.
Also adopted at the meeting were Council’s Instrument of Delegation to the CEO, Procurement Policy and Loan Guarantee Policy.
Minutes and all documents relating to the October Council Meeting will be made available on Council’s website.
The next Council Meeting is scheduled to be held Wednesday 9 November 2022.