
Rise of Satisfaction Continues

Publish Date: 16 July 2019 

Buloke Shire Council has noted positive results from the 2019 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey at its July Ordinary Meeting.

The survey report demonstrates an overall improvement for Council from 2018 and continues the upward trend back to the peak result of 2012. Council is also bridging the gap for the state-wide average for Small Rural Councils.

The report is coordinated on behalf of all Victorian Councils by the Department Environment of Land, Water and Planning.

The results for all core measures rose across the year with the exception of Customer Service, which dipped by one point. Council has recently adopted both its inaugural Customer Service Strategy as well as a Customer Service Charter to address this important core area.

The top three performing individual areas were recreation facilities, appearance of public areas and elderly support services.

The top three areas for improvement identified by the report were unsealed roads, business/community development and tourism and interestingly elderly support services, which despite being a top performer had dropped from a very high points base in 2018.

Buloke Shire Council Mayor, Cr Carolyn Stewart was pleased by the results whilst focusing on continued improvement.

“Whilst it is encouraging that Council continues to keep gaining ground with these surveys, we are well aware we need to keep on improving and innovating. 

“We enter the third year of an ambitious Council Plan and we continue to keep delivering large and small scale infrastructure projects and programs for our community whilst firming up our financial sustainability.

“Council will use the results from the 2019 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey as a considering factor for the basis of future strategic planning of the organisation and to ensure it is being responsive to the evolving needs of the community”, she said.

Read the comprehensive 2019 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey Report.

End release 
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or