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Publish Date: 4 June 2021
Things are heating up this winter in Wycheproof with key projects at various stages of their development. The Brightening Broadway Project, Wetlands and Walking Trail Project and development of the Wycheproof Recreation and Racecourse Reserve Masterplan are all underway.
The Brightening Broadway Project is set to step up with Capeng Pty Ltd awarded the contract at Council’s May Ordinary Meeting.
The $600,000 project, co-funded by Regional Development Victoria (State Government, $450,000), and the Buloke Shire Council ($150,000) is set to deliver a suite of improvements aimed at boosting accessibility, enhancing appearance and driving positive economic outcomes.
It is the next important plank in the Buloke Streetscape Renewal Project which will also transform the streets of Birchip (well underway), Charlton, Donald, Sea Lake and it is anticipated work will start in around a months’ time in Wycheproof.
Ground has been broken on the Wetlands and Walking Trail Project, with the first excavations being made on walking trails on Mount Wycheproof.
The $380,000 project is being managed by Council ($30,000) and administered by the Department of Land, Environment, Water and Planning (DELWP) as part of the State Government’s Improving Public Visitor and Recreational Sites-Stimulus Program ($350,000).
The project will see the completion of a walking trail through the Mount Wycheproof flora and fauna reserve, then loop into the wetlands precinct to be established on the site of the disused Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water (GWMWater) storages.
Works on the mountain are expected to take around a month, with attention then shifting to Stage 1 of the wetlands component. Draft designs for the wetlands will be released to the community for feedback in July and works are scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.
The scope and potential of the project is creating a good feeling around the town and with key groups.
“The Friends of Mount Wycheproof are very pleased with the works the Shire has started as we know there is a buzz around town in anticipation of new access and connection on our mountain” said Martin Duke, Chair of The Friends of Mount Wycheproof.
Meanwhile work on the development of the Wycheproof Recreation and Racecourse Reserve Masterplan has commenced, and will be completed in close consultation with current user groups, key stakeholders of the reserve and the community.
A dedicated consultation page has been established on Council’s website for ease of consultation with a survey now open.
“It is a genuinely exciting time in Wycheproof. These three projects will play a significant role in driving tourism as well as underpinning the township as a wonderful place to live. It is an iconic town, and the appearance, accessibility and recreational options are set to grow and grow”, said Mayor Cr Daryl Warren.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or