
March Meeting Wrap 

Publish Date: 20 March 2020

Buloke Shire Council’s March Ordinary Meeting was highlighted by the advocacy to improve an important intersection on the Calder Highway and the awarding of a contract to improve another within the Shire.

Council has determined it will write to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, Michael McCormack MP and Member for Mallee, Anne Webster MP, to request the release of budget funds to improve the Baileys Road/Calder Hwy intersection north of Sea Lake.

The intersection has funding attached to it for improvements as part of the Lake Tyrrell Tourism Project, but needs an additional injection to be fully funded.

It is also recommended that Council ask the Calder Highway Improvement Committee support this request and advocate on its behalf.

It was noted that an urgent Special Meeting was held on 19 February 2020 for the awarding of Contract No.C71 2019/2020 Charlton Swan Hill Road & Prater’s Road Intersection, Glenloth to Bitu-mill (Civil) Pty Ltd.

The urgent circumstances contributing to the Special Meeting being held without being advertised were that Council was required to ensure that the contract was awarded to the correct tenderer otherwise there would be possible financial loss to Council. The Local Government Act makes provision for the holding of Special Meetings at short notice in urgent circumstances.

Council also noted the minutes from Council’s Audit Committee Meetings held in December 2019 and February 2020.

Minutes and documents relating to the March Ordinary Meeting will be made available on Council’s website.

The next Ordinary Meeting of Council is scheduled to be held from 7.00pm on Wednesday 8 April 2020.

End release 
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or