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Funds Available to Encourage Older People to Keep Moving

Funds Available to Encourage Older People to Keep Moving

Publish Date: 27 June 2019


Expressions of interest open in Buloke Shire on 1 July 2019 for a share of $1.2 million in federal funding to help get older residents in the Loddon Mallee region up and moving.

Sporting groups and recreation providers are among other organisations encouraged to check their eligibility to apply for funding to support inactive people aged 65 and over to be more active.

The Loddon Mallee Move It project aims to reach over 70,000 people over the age of 65, offering new and modified sport and recreation activities, strengthening partnerships and workforce capacity, and raising awareness of the benefits of regular physical activity.

The project is funded by the Australian Government’s Move It AUS Better Ageing Grant through Sport Australia.

Mayor, Cr Carolyn Stewart said Council was pleased to be partnering in the initiative and helping to deliver great outcomes for older people in the region.

“Around 20 percent of Loddon Mallee Region’s 332,000 residents are aged 65 years and over,” Cr Stewart said.

“Statistically, older people across the region have poorer health and wellbeing than the Victorian average.

“There are higher levels of obesity and chronic disease, and many older people have low levels of physical activity.

“Through Move It, we hope to get more of our older people moving and enjoying the benefits of regular physical activity.”

The expressions of interest process will run from 1 July to 26 July 2019.

Those interested in applying for funding are encouraged to visit the Macedon Ranges Shire Council website to check their eligibility and register to attend an information session about the project.

Macedon Ranges Shire Council and Mildura Rural City Council are leading the implementation of the project. The 10 local government areas covered by this process are Buloke Shire Council, City of Greater Bendigo, Loddon Shire Council, Mount Alexander Shire Council, Central Goldfields Shire Council, Campaspe Shire Council, Mildura Rural City Council, Swan Hill Rural City Council, Gannawarra Shire Council and Macedon Ranges Shire Council.

For more information on the expressions of interest process, visit

End release
For further information contact Community Development Officer, Rose Harris on 1300 520 520 or