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Direl (Lake Tyrrell) - Application for Protection

Direl (Lake Tyrrell) Application for Protection


Publish date: 31 August, 2023

Buloke Shire Council has been working closely with the community in response to applications made under sections 10 and 12 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (ATSIHP Act) for the protection of a specified area, being the area known as Direl (Lake Tyrrell).

This process is undertaken by the Australian Government, not Council, however Council has a clear role to play both as an interested party and in advocating for and assisting our community. 

Community members interested in making a representation on this ATSIHP Act application DO NOT need to address every matter the reporter is required to deal with, only matters that affect them.

For further information on the applications made under sections 10 and 12 of the ATSIHP Act please contact Mr. Terry Bailey on 0409 313 381 or at


Lake Tyrrell 25