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Rural Land Use and Settlement Strategy

Have Your Say on the Buloke Shire Rural Land Use and Settlements Strategy 

P 7

Council has engaged PLN Planning Pty. Ltd. to prepare a Rural Land Use and Settlements Strategy (RLUSS). A draft RLUSS has been prepared and Council invites submissions and comments on the draft RLUSS.

The preparation of a Rural Land Use Strategy is identified in the Council Plan 2017-2021 as being needed to “set out the long term vision for the municipality’s rural areas”. Such strategies are used to inform decision making about which of the rural zones, including the Rural Living Zone, should be applied to particular areas and what the minimum lot sizes should be for subdivision and dwellings.  Rural land use strategies are also used to address municipality-specific issues such as rural dwelling excisions, opportunities for economic diversification, intensive agriculture and rural dependent enterprises. 

The draft RLUSS also considers strategies for the Shires towns  (Birchip, Charlton, Donald, Sea Lake and Wycheproof) and for rural living. After an initial consultation some changes were introduced to the initial draft to further consider opportunities for a Rural Living Zone.

View the Draft Rural Land Use and Settlements Strategy.

Your feedback is important

It is important that residents of the Shire and other stakeholders have the opportunity to comment on the draft RLUSS. Council invites your views on any matter that you consider relevant to the draft RLUSS. Any input from residents will considered prior to the report being finalised and formally submitted to Council. Your comments may be submitted to Council via post to PO Box 1 Wycheproof Victoria 3527 or email to

There will be an opportunity to meet Council staff on the Wednesday 18 December 2019 at the

·       Donald Shire office between 10.00am and 11.00am

·       Birchip Shire Office  between 12.30pm and 1.30pm, and  

·       Wycheproof Town Hall Supper Room between 3.00pm and 4.00pm

Please contact Rodney Hotker on 1300 520 520 for any further information.