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EV Chargers for Regional Victoria

EV Chargers for Regional Victoria

Publish Date: 11 September 2020

Buloke Shire Council is pleased to partner with 11 other councils and the Victorian Government to roll out a public network of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. 

Delivered through the ‘Charging the Regions’ project, approximately 20-24 DC chargers will be installed across 17 sites.

The infrastructure will increase regional connectivity and ensure our region is an attractive place to visit as more and more EVs hit the road. The project will create new jobs as well as boost tourism and economic development in regional Victoria. 

The project is being delivered by the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance (CVGA) in partnership with the Victorian Government and the following councils:

·         Mildura Rural City Council

·         Swan Hill Rural City Council

·         Gannawarra Shire Council

·         Buloke Shire Council

·         Mount Alexander Shire Council

·         City of Greater Bendigo

·         Campaspe Shire Council

·         Greater Shepparton City Council

·         Loddon Shire Council

·         Central Goldfields Shire Council

·         Wellington Shire Council

·         Whittlesea Shire Council

The Victorian Government is investing $664,000 to build the charging stations, to better link towns across Victoria and will encourage more visitors to the region.

The new sites will be located on council owned land and in priority locations identified in the first stage of the Charging the Regions report undertaken by the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance and local governments earlier in the year.

Although there may be a free period, it is likely that each council will eventually charge to use the network to cover the costs of the energy bills in line with other fast chargers around the country.

“Charging the Regions is an exciting project that will provide a dense network of public EV charging infrastructure across large parts of regional Victoria. It will ensure that the regions do not get left behind as more and more electric cars hit the road. It will help boost jobs, stimulate EV tourism and encourage people who live in regional Victoria to think about ‘going electric’ on their next vehicle purchase. A great example of a positive stimulus project delivered in partnership between the Victorian Government and local councils”, said Rob Law, Executive Officer, Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance.

The CVGA has released an open tender that will close on 6 October 2020 for the supply, installation and maintenance of the charging network. The tender is requesting a mix of 25kw and 50kw DC chargers across the participating councils. For details on the tender, please visit


End release 
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or