
February Meeting Wrap

Publish Date 11 February 2022

Buloke Shire Council’s February Meeting was highlighted by the adoption of the Wycheproof Recreation and Racecourse Reserve Master Plan 2021-2023, recognising a number of honourable awards bestowed upon community members and groups, adoption of two key policies, and the awarding of Community Grants.

The Wycheproof Recreation and Racecourse Reserve Master Plan identifies a number of priorities that the Wycheproof community believes are of critical importance in ensuring sustainability and the continuation of quality sport and active recreation opportunities. Developed in close consultation with the community, this strategic Master Plan will be used to guide decision making in relation to infrastructure developments over the next twelve years.

Council acknowledged and congratulated members of the community on their achievements including students awarded Dux of School for 2021 and Australia Day Award individual township Citizen of the Year 2021 winners. These included: Kelsey Atkinson (Dux Birchip P-12 College), Angus Jablonka (Dux Charlton College), Nathan Donnellan (Dux Donald High), Kristopher Stevens (Dux Tyrell College Sea Lake), and Amelia Ison (Dux Wycheproof College); Julie Coffee (Birchip Citizen of the Year), Kaylene Cossar (Charlton Citizen of the Year), Tony Goode (Donald Citizen of the Year), Graham Jolly (Sea Lake Citizen of the Year), and Eddie Molloy (Wycheproof Citizen of the Year).

Council awarded grants under the Community Grants and Sponsorship Program including: $1,500 Project Support Grant to Birchip Business and Learning Centre, $2,000 Project Support Grant to the Buloke Youth Health Expo working party for the 2021/2022 Financial Year, $2,000 Project Support Grant to Birchip Playgroup, for the 2022/2023 Financial Year.

At the Community’s request, last meeting, Council wrote to Federal and State members of parliament in December 2021, expressing concern for the welfare of people sitting outside the legal status of vaccination, and sought further guidance. Louise Staley MLA and Stuart Grimley MLC both responded indicating they would investigate further.

A number of planning permits were received and approved with the exception of an application for the development of land for a service station at 2 Campbell Street, Birchip. Council heard from community objectors and the applicant, and subsequently resolved to issue a notice of decision of refusal. Council acknowledged that the community welcomed this new development, however preferred it was developed at another suitable location.

Council adopted the Information Privacy and Fraud and Corruption policies. Both had undergone a review with a provision made in the Information Privacy to enable disclosure of information to other government or infrastructure agencies for the purpose of consulting with landowners when works may impact their properties, or to facilitate consultation.

Updates to the Fraud and Corruption Policy reflect the financial management principles under the Local Government Act 2020 and aims to support Council’s ongoing commitment to protecting Council property, assets and public money against internal and external fraud and corruption.

Council received the Minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee. Under the Local Government Act 2020, Council is required to establish and maintain an Audit and Risk Committee, which considers matters of governance, finance and risk management for the purpose of advice on the integrity and effectiveness of Council’s financial reporting and risk management system.

The next Buloke Shire Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 March 2022.