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Publish Date: 11 December 2020
A packed agenda for Buloke Shire Council’s December Ordinary Meeting highlighted a range of governance, reportage and community outreach items. Amongst those covered were progress reports on the Customer Service Strategy and Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, presentation of the 2019-2020 Annual Report, revised Governance Rules, Councillor Allowances and an application through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
The Customer Service Strategy has set a framework for the delivery, improvement and evaluation of the service through 20 actions adopted to drive innovation and continuous improvement. While some goals are still to be reached, Council noted strong progress against a range of recommendations.
The impacts of COVID-19 brought challenges for the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, however key outcomes over the reporting period were noted including the following highlight items - the implementation of the Working for Victoria Program (creation of fifty new jobs), support for hospitality businesses and development of COVID Safe Plans, additional funding for key transport link roads, (Birchip-Berriwillock Road), establishment of the Housing Sub-Committee and development of the Housing Strategy, progression on childcare provision, development of Buy Buloke website, and the securement of further funding for a range of tourism related projects.
The revised draft of Governance Rules outlining the way Council will conduct meetings and make decisions will be made available for community consultation on Council’s website. Written submissions and presentations in support of these will be heard at the Council Meeting 10 February 2021 prior to the adoption of the Governance Rules at this meeting.
In recognition of the work and responsibilities undertaken by the Mayor and Councillors, it was recommended that Councillor Allowances be set at the highest level for Category 1 Councils until such time as the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal has made a determination under the Local Government Act 2020 and following conclusion of the public submission process. This figure represents no increase for allowances from the previous year.
The presentation of the Buloke Shire Council 2019-2020 Annual Report was noted, with the document showcasing Council’s service delivery and performance to the community over the past financial year. Due to the pandemic, this year’s submission date was extended to 30 November 2020. The Annual Report is available digitally on the Buloke Shire Council website, with hard copies for collection from the Wycheproof Customer Service Centre.
Council will apply for $1.3 million funding under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program for a much needed upgrade of the Nullawill-Birchip Road. A matching allocation of $300,000 will be included in the development of the 2021/22 Annual Budget.
Two contracts were awarding at the meeting with Avard Constructions being awarded the Birchip Netball Courts Redevelopment project which will see the two courts at the Birchip Community Leisure Centre be reborn.
The contract for pavement rehabilitation works on the Culgoa-Lalbert Road was also awarded to Bitu-mill (Civil) Pty Ltd.
Minutes and documents relating to the December Ordinary Meeting will be made available on Council’s website. The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 10 February 2021.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or