Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Alert
For the latest COVID-19 public health information please
visit the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website
If you can't find the information you are looking for on the DHHS website, please email

Buloke Shire Update (updated 22/7/2022)
Changed conditions to the pandemic orders came into effect from 11:59pm Tuesday 12 July, 2022.
For information visit or you can call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15.
Facilities Update
COVID-19 advice for Victorians to stay well in winter
From 11:59pm 12 July 2022 the following sensible changes to pandemic orders and public health recommendations are now in place:
In line with AHPPC advice, the period when someone is considered a recently confirmed case (and therefore exempt from testing and isolation/quarantine requirements) has been revised to four weeks, down from 12 weeks.
This reflects the emerging evidence that new variants of COVID-19 can evade prior immunity gained from infection.Positive cases are still required to isolate for seven days from the day they took their test but an additional reason to leave home has been added – to provide transport for a household member to obtain food, if essential. The infected person will need to remain in the car and wear a face covering at all times.
A significant new investment will boost public health messaging and engagement efforts with the community to encourage third and fourth COVID-19 vaccination doses, flu vaccination, the benefits of wearing a mask and maximizing ventilation indoors.
The Stay Well in Winter campaign will run across TV, radio, outdoor and digital channels. This investment will support community leaders and business to encourage the uptake of sensible, preventative actions to keep well this winter.
The Government is also announcing another round of its Small Business Ventilation Grant Program to help businesses invest in equipment that will keep their workers and customers safe in indoor settings.Mask wearing in indoor and crowded settings is strongly recommended to protect yourself and the most vulnerable Victorians through winter – but there will not be any changes to current face mask requirements with these new pandemic orders.
The Minister for Health is also requesting that employers consider working from home arrangements that are most appropriate for their workplace and employees based on individual requirements.
Changes to face mask requirements
Checklist for positive Covid cases
Vaccination requirements for workers
Rapid Antigen Tests
Managing Covid at home
Preparing for isolation
Case in the workplace
For information about when you are eligible for a booster dose visit About Covid Vaccines
COVID Business Information
Testing for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
From 12:00AM July 1 2022, PCR testing for COVID-19 will be targeted toward Victorians at greatest risk of severe disease from COVID-19.
The Targeted PCR strategy will complement the role of rapid antigen testing (RAT) as the primary test in Victoria for general po pulation symptomatic testing, contact
management, and risk minimisation in high risk settings.
RATs will remain the primary tool for detecting COVID 19 to enable timely clinical care and management for most Victorians, as w ell as to enable case and contact
management and reduce transmission.
COVID 19 testing is available to all symptomatic Victorians. To optimise detection and testing capacity, symptomatic Victorians are encouraged to test first with a RAT.
PCR testing will be available to symptomatic Victorians who are clinically vulnerable and other at risk cohorts recommended in line with the Targeted Testing Policy.
In general, PCR testing will not be available under state funding arrangements for people without symptoms, except for specif ic circumstances which include the below.
This testing will not be prioritised and will receive a “ROUTINE” status.
- An asymptomatic person in the community who tests positive on a RAT, with no known epidemiological link.
- An individual with two consecutive invalid antigen test results.
- An asymptomatic/symptomatic individual where RAT testing is not available at the testing site (this excludes asymptomatic International Travellers, who should undertake
a RAT, not a PCR as per Testing Requirements Policy
- Local Public Health Unit (LPHU) or Public Health directed testing, such as Outbreak prevention in high risk settings (Such settings may include aged care facilities,
supported residential care facilities, or within a prison or justice setting)
- Clinically vulnerable individuals that may require asymptomatic PCR testing for clinical or public health reasons as clinically assessed by a medical practitioner.
Asymptomatic staff screening, pre procedural patient screening and pre admission screening should be undertaken via RAT unless a PCR test is deemed necessary as
per clinical discretion by a medical practitioner or health service business decision
It is important that everyone with coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, however mild, gets tested and must stay remain isolated at home for 7-days, or until symptoms have resolved.
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose or loss of sense of smell or taste.
Remember the following to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection to yourself and the community:
- Stay home if you feel unwell, and get tested, even if your symptoms are mild.
- Practice good hand hygiene.
- Maintain 1.5m distance between yourselves and others.
- Be mindful of the places you visit and keep track of where you have been, just in case and pass this information onto your contacts if you test positive.
- Getting tested early is one of the most effective ways to protect our communities.
If you tested positive using a RAT, you must report your result online or by calling 1800 675 398.
For testing locations near you, call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.
Exposure Sites
New exposure sites will no longer be published.
The Department of Health will no longer publish new exposure sites. Instead, the Department of Health will use the new alert function in the Service Victoria app or direct SMS message to notify patrons of higher-risk venues where positive cases have been present – such as restaurants, gyms and nightclubs – and advise them to get tested. Isolation rules for COVID-19 exposure at public settings (such as the currently listed exposure sites) have changed.
Federal Government Updates
Read the latest information from the Federal Government here:
Vaccine Rollout
Latest information from the Federal Government about COVID-19 vaccines and the national rollout program here:
For information on where to get a vaccination in Buloke click on the link below and select Vaccine Clinic Finder or State Vaccination Centre Links.