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Publish Date: 15 April 2021
Buloke Shire Council’s April Ordinary Meeting was highlighted by the adoption of the Councillor Gift Policy, authorisation to negotiate on the lease of the Wycheproof Golf Club, endorsement of the Wimmera Southern Mallee Housing Study as well as green lighting some advocacy items.
The Buloke Shire Councillor Gift Policy has been adopted. The policy, which is one of many documents required by the new Local Government Act, makes for provision for the maintenance of a gift register and any matters in the regulations, including a minimum value of gifts that must be disclosed. Councils must also ensure their policy complies with the public transparency principles.
Council has endorsed the Wimmera Southern Mallee Housing Study. Council partnered with West Wimmera, Hindmarsh, Northern Grampians, Horsham and Yarriambiack Councils as part of the Wimmera Development Association commissioned, Wimmera Southern Mallee Housing Review.
The review, completed by Street Ryan aimed to quantify and address the anecdotal challenges that exist across the Wimmera Southern Mallee Region. Whilst housing has been an ongoing concern for the region, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the housing shortage exacerbated and having a planned and structured approach to addressing the challenge is important. The study was formed by a range of interviews with key stakeholders and analysis of historical and projected data.
Council will now partner with the Housing Sub-Committee of the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee to develop project proposals and incorporate into next review of Council’s Advocacy Strategy and will continue to work with Wimmera Development Association and other regional councils on the implementation of the study.
A new lease will be negotiated with the Wycheproof Golf Club Incorporated for the operation and management for part of the Wycheproof Recreation Reserve. Council is the delegated Crown Land Manager for the site with a current lease arrangement to expire at the end of the month.
The Wycheproof Golf Club Incorporated have expressed interest in continuing to lease the site for a further 21 year term to continue to use the site for golf, tennis and horse racing.
Two Notices of Motion were also passed by Council to advocate to the State Government for safety upgrades to the rail crossing on the Boort-Charlton Road east of Charlton and for the immediate selection and purchase of a preferred site to redevelop the Charlton Fire Brigade Facility on.
Minutes and documents relating to the April Ordinary Meeting will be made available on Council’s website.
The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 12 May 2021.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or