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Buloke Shire Council Election Results

Buloke Shire Council Election Results 

Publish Date: 2 November 2020

The new Buloke Shire Council has been set with Alan Getley the sole new incoming Councillor declared by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) this afternoon.

The well-known Charltonian is set to join David Vis, who is returning for a second term, in the Mallee Ward. 

Alan has been the Charlton Forum Chairperson for ten years and a Director of the North Central Financial Services (Charlton and District Community Bank) for twelve years, amongst a range of community roles.

All last term Councillors that ran for re-election have been returned with Graeme Milne (third term) and Daryl Warren (second term) being joined in the Mount Jeffcott Ward by Bronwyn Simpson who nominated for that ward after serving just over a year in the Lower Avoca Ward following the resignation of John Shaw in August 2019.

In the Lower Avoca Ward, the only ward requiring an election, former Mayors David Pollard (fourth term) and Carolyn Stewart (second term) have been re-elected.

Mayor for the last two years, Carolyn Stewart nominated for the Lower Avoca Ward after serving the previous term representing the Mount Jeffcott Ward.

The Councillors elect are to be sworn in at a meeting later this month, with details yet to be finalised.

Official results for the Buloke Shire Council elections are available on the VEC website at

End release 
For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or