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Publish Date: 17 December 2020
Come on Buloke – let’s talk business!
With Christmas and holidays on our doorstep Buloke Shire Council is launching an initiative to give our businesses a boost. And everyone can lend a helping hand through the “Buy Buloke – To Do List”.
Buloke residents and businesses will be receiving the colourful flyer in the mailbox which offers a fun approach to supporting retailers across all our communities.
Mayor, Cr Daryl Warren was one-hundred percent behind the initiative saying said, “Let’s use this as a tool to really commit to supporting our local businesses!”
“This has been a tough year, but now we’re in a position to take off the brakes and grab the opportunities to generate significant outcomes for retailers.”
Cr. Warren also urged people to think outside the square.
“Christmas gifts are great, but that’s just one day of the year. With extended holidays we have plenty of time for relaxation, sharing time with family and friends, and of course, heading away for a break.
So consider booking your vehicle in for a service, do a road trip around the silo art trail, or plan a DYI project. Let’s all encourage family and friends outside of Buloke to check the online links to businesses through the Buy Buloke website.”
Capturing the tourism trade flyers will be available at camping and accommodation outlets, as well as businesses, Neighbourhood Houses and on Council’s digital platforms.
“Buloke has some of the best of the best to offer” Cr. Warren said. “From biscuits and cakes, to our spacious landscapes and natural features.
So come on - let’s get behind this. Let’s back what’s in our own backyard!”
Printable Version of the flyer.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or