
Celebrate Australia Day 2021:

A Day to Reflect, Respect and Celebrate

Publish Date: 18 January 2021

Buloke Shire Council will invite members of the Buloke community to come together to reflect, respect and celebrate – because we’re all part of the story. Mayor, Cr Daryl Warren said Australia Day 2021 will provide an important opportunity for Buloke to reflect on the challenges of the past year, respect the sacrifices and contributions of those who responded in a time of need and celebrate being together and being Australian.

“In the past year Australia has faced immense challenges – drought, bushfire, floods and the coronavirus pandemic,” Cr Warren said.

“The fact that our Shire has remained free of any known cases of COVID-19 is all down to the good work of community members taking individual responsibility and doing what needs to happen to protect our communities. We should celebrate that.

“Australia Day 2021 is a day for us to thank the first responders and frontline workers who worked through a challenging year, to support our communities and keep our nation going.

“We reflect on the resilience of communities and the spirit of helping, giving and supporting that defines us as Australians.

“And we celebrate our nation’s place in the world – a proud multicultural nation built on shared values that allow us to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that other nations aspire to.”

Cr Warren said Australia Day is also a day to reflect on our nation’s past, with its rich indigenous history and the contributions that our forebears made in shaping Australia as we know it today.

“Today of all days I reflect on the meaning of the words written by Bruce Woodley, ‘We are one, but we are many and from all the lands on earth we come, we share a dream and sing with one voice: I am, you are, we are Australian.’”

Council’s official Australia Day celebrations in take place on the night before on Monday 25 January 2021 at Auchmore, Nullawil. This is a free event and is open to all. Be sure to enjoy your local Australia Day event on the day in your local community.

To learn more, visit

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For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or