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Funding Keeps Buloke Engaged

Funding Keeps Buloke Engaged 

Publish Date: 28 August 2020

A funding announcement of $100,000 has ensured Buloke Shire Council’s continued operational capacity as coronavirus restrictions impact work-based connections.

Buloke is one of six rural councils in Northern Victoria to receive assistance from the Victorian State Government’s $3.8 million 2020 Rural Councils ICT Infrastructure Support Program, having adopted new work practices to keep the day-to-day running of local government on track during the pandemic’s disruption.

The funding, which covers the costs of transitioning to remote working, including the running of virtual meetings and the ability to maintain community engagement, also enables the purchase of equipment, training options and the securing of other relevant ICT infrastructure.

Member for Northern Victoria, Mark Gepp praised the work of local governments across the region for their response to the pandemic, saying it was important to support those who were already working with limited financial resources.

“As we move into recovery, councils will have an important role to play for our communities and we’re making sure they have the tools they need to do the job,” he said.

Mayor, Cr. Carolyn Stewart was grateful for the State Government’s support of rural councils.

“We thank the State Government for their financial support at this time as we manage the multiple impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overcoming the disruptions and using all the avenues available to us has meant we can still connect and work with our communities. Our staff have done a magnificent job in adapting to the different technologies and for many, adapting to working remotely. We have been able continue the delivery of essential services and maintain a consistent presence at a time when the community most needs reassurance.”

Other councils to receive funding include: Campaspe ($100,000), Gannawarra ($100,000), Yarriambiack ($72,950), Moira ($100,000) and Swan Hill ($100,000).

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For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or