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Publish Date: 11 March 2021
Buloke Shire Council’s March Ordinary Meeting was highlighted by items supporting youth and families as well as a progress update on the implementation of the Local Government Act 2020.
Council has noted the application for the design and construction of the Buloke Playspaces Trail, valued at $2.6 million, after being invited to submit an Expression of Interest to the Regional Infrastructure Fund for the project.
This project would deliver the implementation of the playspace masterplan for the main parks in Berriwillock, Birchip, Charlton, Donald and Wycheproof.
Council will contribute matching funding of $200,000 across its next two annual budgets for the project if the application is successful.
Excellent progress has been noted against the implementation of the Local Government Act 2020, with each due item having been completed on schedule with several more components due this year well underway.
Most notably, Council is currently consulting on both its Council Plan and Community Vision with a 30 June 2021 adoption date being targeted, four months ahead of the State Government requirements.
Council is supporting the Birchip Neighbourhood House to host an event to establish a Young Professionals Group aimed at connecting and celebrating the cohort in the Buloke Shire. A community Grant of $2,000 was awarded to help the project which will begin with the establishment of a steering group to help organise a launch event to drive the initiative forward.
Council will rescinded its COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy at the end of March. A review into the nature of applications received under the policy has led to a decision to consider all applications for financial hardship to be made under Council’s Financial Hardship Policy.
The Related Party Transaction Policy has been adopted. The policy defines the parameters for Related Party transactions and the level of disclosure and reporting required for Council to achieve compliance with Australian Accounting Standards.
Council has awarded the contract to undertake drainage construction on Kaye Street in Charlton to S&R Engineering and Construction Pty Ltd of Bendigo. The works include earthworks, installation of pipes and pits, sealing pavement and associated works between Donald Street to Davies Street.
Minutes and documents relating to the March Ordinary Meeting will be made available on Council’s website.
The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 14 April 2021.
End release For further information contact Manager Customer Engagement, Travis Fitzgibbon on 03 5478 0181 or