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If you are in immediate danger, call 000.
Scroll down for the Flood Recovery Hotline, Primary Producer, Business and Community Support
Following the December 2023/ January 2024 Floods is being managed by Councils.
If you were directly impacted, call us on 1300 520 520 and ask to talk to the Community Recovery Team.
You can also be assisted by calling the VicEmergency Hotline 1800 560 760, or visit the VicEmergency Website for information
Download the Agriculture Recovery Resource Directory here
One-off payment helps meet immediate needs such as food, shelter, clothing, medication and accommodation.
If you are unable to return to your primary place of residence, you may be eligible for Re-establishment Assistance.
Re-establishment Assistance can help pay for emergency accommodation, cleaning up, repairs and some rebuilding.
Download the Financial Support Brochure here
Agriculture Victoria provides support to impacted primary producers through its Agriculture Recovery Team. You can contact the team on 0427 694 185.
This number is regularly monitored and provides a call-back service. For animal welfare support, call the Agriculture Victoria Animal Welfare hotline on 136 186.
Please self-report your impacts to AgVic
The information you provide when reporting agricultural impacts is used to help government understand the scale and impacts of a particular natural disaster, including the delivery of appropriate recovery efforts and support.
Please report any agricultural losses via the online form.
Agricultural recovery technical support
If you would like technical assistance, please contact the Agriculture Recovery team on 0427 694 185 or at
If leaving a message please provide a contact name, phone number and locality with a brief statement about the nature of your concern.
The Rural Financial Counselling Service offers free and independent financial information, options, decision making support and referral services to farmers and small, related rural businesses who are in, or at risk of, financial hardship.
To find your closest service call 1300 771 741 or visit the Rural Financial Counselling Network website.
If your business has been impacted, reference your insurance policies or contact Council's Community Recovery Team on 1300 520 520.
Click here to register for Rural Aid's support for fodder, water, counselling, volunteer assistance
Click here to register for Rural Aid's Delivery Assistance
Click here to contact the Rural Financial Counselling Service - Victoria West
Find out more information here
The Financial Rights Legal Centre specialist legal centre providing advice for anyone in financial distress. The Financial Rights Legal Centre understands your financial rights and take steps to sort out debts or disputes about credit, banking and insurance. You can contact them here.