
Buloke's Cyber Safety Week 2023

Cyber Safety Week raises awareness about the various online safety and security risks that individuals, communities, and organizations face in today's digital world.

The event provides an opportunity for people to educate themselves and others about the dangers of the internet and how to stay safe while using technology and coincides with Safer Internet Day, which is promoted across the globe.

The internet has changed the way we live, work, and communicate, but with this convenience comes the risk of cybercrime, such as identity theft, hacking, online scams, and cyberbullying.

Buloke Shire Council advcates for all our community to participate in Cyber Safety Week, and encourages individuals and organisations can learn about these dangers and take steps to protect themselves and others from online harm.

Additionally, Cyber Safety Week is an opportunity for communities to come together to share information, resources, and best practices for staying safe online.

This helps to build a culture of cyber safety and security, which is critical in today's interconnected world.

Overall, participating in Cyber Safety Week is an important step towards a safer and more secure digital world for everyone.


How can you participate?

Download and use our campaign kitUse resources to start the conversation about online safety at your workplace or within your community.

Change your Zoom or Teams background, host a Safer Internet Day event at work, put up postersaround the office and book in a free online safety presentation by eSafety.Visit to find all the resources you need.

What is Safer Internet Day? 

Safer Internet Day is a global event that brings together communities, families schools and organisations from more than 200 countries to help create safer online spaces.

This worldwide initiative is celebrating 20 years in 2023, making it a great time to reflect as well as look forward. 

Technology has evolved dramatically in the past two decades and the benefits have been huge. These developments have also exposed us to many risks with real-world impacts, making online safety awareness even more important.  
That's why we are calling on Australians to Connect. Reflect. Protect. 
Connect safely and with purpose – by keeping apps and devices secure and using social media in positive ways. 

Reflect before we act – by taking a moment to consider how what we do and say online may affect others. 

Protect ourselves and others by taking action – by telling family, friends or colleagues about eSafety and how we can help.  
By doing these simple things, we can work towards making every day a Safer Internet Day.

Connect refect protect safety internet